Video Search Engine Optimization

The internet is getting more competitive every day and that is why its so important to make video search engine optimization part of your overall internet marketing plan. The overwhelming benefit of being able to improve your chances of a first page Google Ranking by 53X is too great an edge not to take advantage of. In addition, video search engine optimization can be done simply and economically depending upon the type of marketing video you are creating. Try to remember, that in most cases we are talking about the production of short videos 1-3 minutes in length.
Videos produced to promote your business as well as improve your internet ranking can take on a variety of forms. They can be as simple as slide show presentations that include still images and graphics to create a message. Another example, would be live video of your company spokesperson spotlighting a recent achievement, service or event your company participated in. Most importantly, a professionally produced advertisement for your business. Showing your product and services in the best light possible and driving home your message in a quick and concise manner. Making a great presentation is important, but the key is knowing what to do with the video production once you have it. Where to place it on the internet and within your website for the maximum video search engine optimization effect.
Thats where the VSEO experts at CyberYonder come in. We work with our clients to devise a video marketing plan that includes the best mix of productions. Some of these will be strategically placed on sites like YouTube and Vimeo while others will be incorporated into your website’s design to help drive traffic and convert sales. Please take a look at the promotional video CyberYonder created for Pacific Coast Brokers. It’s a great example of how a web-video can help to sell your particular product or service. Not to mention, the additional SEO benefits gained:
[hana-flv-player video=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ description=”video SEO San Luis Obispo” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]As you can see, there’s quite a bit to know about VSEO to get the best results. At CyberYonder we have a full video production department and Video SEO specialists at the ready to help you. Contact us today about how to get started.